الاثنين، 7 مارس 2016

How to organize time, a complete guide

Do you suffer from difficult to finish things on time? And you want to organize time better? Are you having a hard time writing work reports on time? Are you able to achieve what you want to do before the deadlines? Are you able to manage your time properly? All of these things should be in your mind To find out if you have time management capabilities to effectively increase labor productivity and achieve balance in your life.

Time Management

If you answer "no" to any of these questions mentioned above, this means that you can not manage your time the way you Trdia. Time is like money must control the time and how to create a productive and profitable work environment. If you do not, you can spend your life in the process running busy doing a certain task. These are some tips that will help you manage time and help you increase your productivity and achieve balance in work and public life. Follow these tips to enhance your skills in time management.

Because learning time management skill, liberates you from working hours and stress on pressure. You have to be more productive and reduce procrastination to get more time to relax and reduce stress and tension.

True time management style?

1.aml daily plan: You can write a daily plan for what will be done in the morning for the division and the organization of time throughout the day. This plan will help in the development of a glimpse and imagine how it will be your day and what is required of you to identify the tasks and sleep and rest time? If you want to achieve a balance in the time you can stick to this plan and do the best .khtoat plan:

Identify tasks that will help you achieve your goals and Tejes time to implement them.
Get rid of the small tasks unimportant.
Well to recognize what you need to do every day.
Divide the tasks so that it is done in the exact day.
2. establish a time limit for each task: You must be very clear when you put your day plan select a time limit for each task, for example, Task A of 10-3 because it allows you not to task on other spend and eat on time and also do other activities.

3. Reward yourself to any achievement: in the case of doing anything accomplished, try to celebrate it. Way reward yourself is up to you to motivate yourself to adhere to the plan the next day. Help you increase your skills in time management next to ease the implementation of other tasks.

4. Use Calendar: Helps the presence of the calendar in the management of daily activities. For example, you can use the notes or e-mail or mobile phone, or a large notebook to help you organize your schedule.

 5. Work long list of goals: a long list of work-term objectives in organizing Mstreetak and plans daily and how to divide your time.

 6. Select the deadlines: the most important thing to organize your time well is to know on when you need to finish your job? And write clearly deadlines on your calendar in an orderly manner so you know when you finish them?

7. Learn to say "No" to avoid deviation from the daily plan being developed by in the morning because you may face temptations to do other activities to prevent multi-tasking and the need to do important activities first so do not postpone any of the tasks in a subsequent period.

8. The end goal early: When targeting to finish the task or objective at a specific time. Some may be after late to finish the job, but when determining early to finish the job could be completed on time.

9. Set aside time for activities: You can specify the time for various activities such as half an hour to read or practice pushup favorite you, implement your own hobby.

10. Be sure to owning an hour next to you all the time: Before you begin any task, Prepare hour near you. Because you may be too exhausted to work and lose track of your time. In the case of a huge clock in front of you to show you the time.

11. Action reminder on a mobile phone 15 minutes before the end the elan of the most important functions is a reminder calendar. If you have an important meeting to be attended by, you can adjust this reminder 15 minutes before.

12. Focus: we mean by lack of multitasking and focus on the performance of a single task at a specific time then move on to other important and the most important thing is to focus on one major task. Preferably close all applications that do not use browsers and various social networking sites such as Facebook to focus attention on just what you do and be implemented efficiently.

13. Avoid distractions: What distract you from your work? Are instant messages? Phone calls? All of these things make up for Anherfat primary goal to avoid the use of chat is not logged in any conversation on the site at the start of any work that otherwise would distract your attention. Because when you do any important work, you must turn off your phone, because it helps you to concentrate better.

14.la pay attention to unimportant details: Do not bother to detail is important if you do not do the job the way you want. So as not to weaken the enthusiasm to do the next job.

15. prioritization: You can not do everything at one time, you know how to set priorities and whichever is most important to do first and leave the rest for later. You can apply the principle of 80/20, which is a fundamental principle in setting priorities to increase your productivity.

16. Analysis of the time: Note time well of the most important things that will help in improving the effectiveness and manage your time and do so by logging activities that you want to do in detail during a certain period, for example, a week. To find out how you spend your time, analyze your activities by typing activities that achieve your goals you well and can be classified in the following way:

Matters of urgent and important.
Urgent things but not important.
Important .
 Things that are not urgent and not important.
This way you may find that you spend more than 30% of your time in unnecessary activities of this analysis helps you to report

17. Delegate: we mean if there are things that can be for someone to do better by others or that these things are not so important you can consider delegating someone else to do so by concentrating on important tasks.

18. carry out similar tasks together: you can categorize similar actions and linked together. For example, the work of a group key groups (writing articles, books) and B (training) and c (development workshops) so that you can set aside time to make phone calls.

19. Elimination of the elements of lost time: Do you take a long time away from your business to browse Facebook or Twitter, or check your email. You can Tejes a specified time after the completion of daily tasks to follow up on all these things and work to close them while doing the work schedule.

20. Leave a space between each task and the other time: Do not try to do all the tasks on an ongoing basis, and left about 5 break - 10 minutes between each task and the other time because it helps to end the previous task and begin the next phase in a good way.

Do you have any other tips on how to organize time? You can leave them in the comments.

21. maintain the action with you: If you have extra time on a plane or a train or waiting something specific you can keep working with you to do something that at this time.

22. determine the most productive time for you: Each of us has a specific time accomplish most tasks well able Some prefer the morning or the evening? You must determine the fruitful time for you to work better.

23. specify a custom time for study: When the work schedule of tasks and if you are a student must select a dedicated study time or homework and close the phone until the completion of the work and do not forget not to check e-mail or surf the Internet.

24. Get a good night's sleep: the mind need to take enough rest so you must determine approximately 6-8 hours a day to sleep even if they did not finish all your tasks can be postponed for the next day in order to play these tasks well

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