الاثنين، 30 نوفمبر 2015

Find useful ideas during the design of your kitchen work

If there was one of the places in your home that required by most of your time Fbla doubt that this place is the kitchen and not, for example, the bedroom where you may spend a long time also out, but you are asleep do not take advantage of airspace fully while your time kitchen be completely vigilant as the kitchen is the place that helps you to prepare delicious meals and beautiful you and your family, so you should choose colors more suitable for you and rest your eyes and your kitchen decor to the kitchen where colors have signed a very important self.
Here's ten most important things when designing your kitchen Stviedk
1. You must choose the color of your kitchen to reflect about you
Whether you cook a professional or a beginner Voloan kitchen will make you happy to enjoy cooking and the kitchen is not just a place for cooking and food preparation only, but it is also a meeting place of family and place of the guests to sit down also to eat, see any colors that interest you Is it a bright Kalprtqala colors, red, yellow ? Or do you prefer the traditional designs of wood and natural grains and neutral colors? Do not impose on yourself but chose the color, which reflects about you and your tastes.
2. It is not necessary to have a permanent kitchen color
Many people may suffer when choosing their kitchen color because they want to make him a permanent color lasts for many years, but you must learn that it is better that you always have the ability to change the kitchen, floors and tables color from time to time so as not to get bored of the kitchen, so he chose the color that Do you prefer, regardless of whether or not long remain and be sure to update the permanent color to the kitchen modern colors.
3. is not necessary that the kitchen is in line with the color of the rest of the house colors
It is not necessary to line the color of your kitchen with the colors of the rest of the house parts, but it should be compatible with the idea of ​​the basic home colors design example, if the home colors inspired by the desert-style and colors silent would be better to keep this design to be a kitchen color on the same style even do not give you an uneasy feeling when you move between the kitchen and the rest of the house parts.
4. colors of the different parts of the kitchen can be mixed or similar
It has been a time when each storage complete the kitchen of one color but talk now be parts is to use a combination of 1-3 different colors, that makes him look even more attractive design and you can consult an expert to guide you to the colors and styles that you can use.
5. Kitchen color needs to show good lighting Jamala
Lighting is very important in the appearance of your kitchen and beauty Therefore, make sure that the lighting be appropriate if the color of your kitchen, for example, blue do not choose headed for lighting as it makes your kitchen looks like a dark cell, and the most important factors to choose good lighting for the home is to find multiple sources for lighting and not only for the beauty of shape, but to ensure the safety and security of the kitchen while cooking.
6. Neutral colors are not always boring
There is a misconception that neutral colors such as gray, brown, dark white kitchen give the appearance of unattractive, but in fact, when combined with neutral colors with wooden floors give the appearance of more than wonderful.
7. natural wood colors also give a wonderful look
When you select the color for your kitchen, remember that it is not necessary to get the color of the place of paint, but you can get a natural wood and pigments wood colors and that will provide great for your kitchen Luna, where they tend to be valid for every place in its appeal, try using those Wooden and enjoy the colors look wonderful for your kitchen.
8. In addition to the distinctive colors of some parts of the kitchen
While you may like some of the colors and you want to paint the kitchen, but that does not mean that the color of your kitchen from the ground change to the roof, where you can tile color change only or place Ocean oven and so on, and you can use some attractive colors to the eye, such as green, red, yellow, glass or the use of metal tiles.
9. Add some exotic fantasy colors to your kitchen
If you own a personal selective Here is adding color to the basic color comfortable and satisfactory for you, as the seats and tiles and decorated the kitchen be good ways to add exotic and fanciful and fun colors to your kitchen, Valmtbouk loses its luster and pleasure if you do not do the elements of attraction and excitement and enjoyment.
10. Do not be afraid of the new and innovative that comes out of the traditional framework of thinking
We all get caught up always traditional methods used to develop Almtaik and colors and try to develop them without having to get out of this narrow traditional framework. For example, you can make you and your family to write on the walls or use blackboard paint color on the door or the refrigerator door, when it comes Bmtboukk tried to launches free rein to your imagination and do not make you stop thinking and innovation in order to be loved by the home also places to your heart and enjoy the time you spend inside.
By following these different methods and tips are sure that you will reach the most beautiful and wonderful colors for your kitchen

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