الخميس، 19 نوفمبر 2015

Mix lemon with honey from the easiest and quickest ways to remove hair permanently natural materials

Mix lemon with honey from the easiest and quickest ways to remove hair permanently natural materials. To work these easy and wonderful mixture, which is considered one of the best methods of hair removal permanently natural materials and have a significant impact in reducing hair growth and remove it permanently. Ingredients: 10 ml of lemon juice 40 ml honey way: by mixing 10 ml of lemon juice with 40 ml of honey, Akhltehm well then put the mix output on the hair area using a cotton swab and rub the direction of the hair growth and then invited the mixture on the place for 15 minutes and then national rinse with water. Repeat this process twice a week for two weeks and then repeat this every week to get good results and noticeable 2 -mask Lemon Face of ways final hair removal natural materials: Ingredients: 10 ml of lemon juice 30 Grma of flour way: One of the easiest ways a final hair removal natural materials and is a method of mask or lemon mask to remove facial hair. The work of these natural mixture nationalist era of 10 ml of lemon juice in a glass of water, then add 30 grams of flour and Akhltehm well. This yellow mix Apply on the face and wait for 15 minutes. Then national rubbing the face in the direction of hair growth to remove unwanted hair. Then rinse thoroughly with water.

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