الخميس، 19 نوفمبر 2015

That's what the mother to eat in pregnancy give birth to a child supernatural intelligence

That's what the mother to eat in pregnancy give birth to a child supernatural intelligence when we understand that the mind and body are two components of the same material, understand that what affects the body also affects the mind. If there foodstuff lacked the pregnant woman's body will be affected by the intelligence of the child later what is this article? And its importance even give birth children are intelligent Ripper? This article is essential fatty acids found in fish. It called Aloomega- 3. Snhdzqm today for this article hacks of the brain. Our brain composed in large part of fat, especially including fat omega-3 and body, unfortunately, does not make this article, but depends on external sources of any food for Alleha.olon this article important for brain children, we find that God made rich by the mother's milk to get the child to this article But omega-3 concentration in breast milk also depends on the nature of the food we eat? What about the omega-3 and pregnant and their impact on the intelligence of the child after birth? Since omega-3 important for brain development, may result in shortages during pregnancy to the suffering of the child in the future of educational difficulties permanently. And vice versa when the omega-3 supplements are taken during pregnancy increases the child's brain power. Fish liver oil is rich in fats especially the DHA. A study of 300 women were given fish liver oil supplements or corn oil during pregnancy and three months after conception. When the boys reached the fourth-old was measured intelligence. Children who were born from mothers who were the highest they take fish oil results in tests that measure the ability to problem-solving and the ability to analysis has been made. Fats DHA important for mental performance to which it plays an important role in the growth of the child's brain and nervous system. Indeed, the production is in milk as long as you and you continue after birth to get a good source of it is will also continue to get a good source of it. And until you on your need of omega-3 during pregnancy you: eating fish Almayorn Kalsrdin organic, salmon, herring and mackerel have been caught from the sea is contaminated visits at least once a week but prefers to consider taking three times a week or Take complementary fish oil or Prepare this mix modes Macaiala of each type of the following seeds: sesame, pumpkin (pumpkin) and sunflower seeds and Mkialin of flax in an airtight jar and keep the mixture in the fridge away from heat, light and oxygen. And then national daily grind something from this mixture, then add a large amount of them overflowing spoon to your breakfast. Or sprinkle on power or baked potato or boiled vegetables steamed amount of a tablespoon of oil seeds pressed cold. Linseed polyunsaturated more than others so it is most vulnerable to damage. For this reason it is important to buy fresh seeds that have been well preserved have not been exposed to heat, light and oxygen.

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