الخميس، 19 نوفمبر 2015

6 Tjunboha foods at dinner

6 Tjunboha foods at the dinner is people who eat their food late or those who wake up in the middle of the night for a snack the most prone to obesity and weight gain, in addition to their risk of a burning sensation in the stomach. And it leads over dinner to loss of appetite in the next morning, and thus not eating breakfast is very important. It is advisable nutritionists always that does not include a menu in the evening on such foods that may cause weight gain and indigestion: pizza: You need the stomach to rest before going to sleep, and, therefore, that eating junk fatty Kalpatza may not be a good idea, Vsalsh tomatoes contain high levels of acidity, and components may make you feel burning throughout the night. Desserts: To avoid nightmares and bad dreams, you have to Temtenai from eating sweets before going to sleep, as the study showed that 7 out of 10 people eat fast food and sweets are more prone to nightmares. Fatty foods: strain the stomach during digestion, so avoid eating junk food or nuts or ice cream or full-fat cheese before going to sleep. Strawberries and raspberries: small seeds found in them to cause a problem in the pockets of the large intestine that can become inflamed, despite the fact that these fruits are many benefits, but must be approached regularly and preferably not be done before going to sleep. Eating hot: There are no problems eating spicy foods Almtdhav to spices scorching as long as the medium quantities, but when you feel hungry at night and like to eat quite Stay away from adding any of the types of chili, it upsets your stomach before going to sleep and cause you burning throughout the night. Pasta: contain a high content of calories, and the pasta sauce, whether red or white may cause acidity and digestive disorders when ingested or evening before bedtime.

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