الخميس، 19 نوفمبر 2015

An effective way to whiten your teeth with salt

An effective way to whiten your teeth with salt every person seeking to be his teeth always white, for the enjoyment of a beautiful smile and attractive, does not make him feel embarrassed by the appearance of his teeth, and it is useful to this in regard there are a group of natural ways and that helps in getting whiter than white and glitter teeth and gloss, and are very easy ways, we'll talk about today, including a method of teeth whitening salt. Method of whitening teeth with salt: 1-mixing coarse salt with lemon juice and add a little warm to them as needed water, until they become a paste, and save it in the fridge, and teeth washing it instead of toothpaste after every meal, and do it twice a week. 2-dipping hand finger dampened with water in coarse salt powder, and teeth cleaning fingering, taking into account not injure the gums, and to do so once a week. 3-mixing coarse salt with sodium bicarbonate, and teeth cleaning mixture, twice a week.

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