الخميس، 19 نوفمبر 2015

What would happen if you stopped smoking for a day

What would happen if you stopped smoking for a day? In the context of pursuit of the British Heart Foundation to encourage people to stop smoking for a day, the newspaper «Express» British published a report explaining the average number of cigarettes covered by the people, who said that he arrived to 13 cigarettes a day, and 4.754 cigarettes annually. I tried Organization support to stop smoking as reported benefits to the person of quitting the habit for one day, the organization pointed out that the person feel better after you stop taking with 20 minutes cigarettes only, and refuted benefits by time period and over the body of the affected are as follows: 20 minutes: the heart back to normal beats Bmadelh and decreases blood pressure. Two hours later: increasingly voracious desire to smoke after feeling nicotine withdrawal and increased anxiety and feeling very hungry. After 8 hours: at least carbon monoxide in the blood and increase the proportion of oxygen to reach normal levels. After 24 hours (day): less risk for a heart attack. After 48 hours (two days): You can taste and smell better due to an improvement in the nerve endings. After 3 days: nicotine will come out completely from the body and will be breathing easy. Within two months or three months: will increase lung efficiency of up to 30 per cent as improve blood circulation and the movement becomes a lot easier. During the 9 months: increase the body's energy and ability to move the process of cleaning the lungs of nicotine and will be less talk and sinus congestion and difficulty breathing. Within one year: will be less risk of shortness of coronary artery for up to half compared to the smoker, according to the World Health Organization said. During the two years: Balnwabat will attack to normal rates of infection. During the 5 years: will decrease the risk of dying of lung and esophageal cancer, compared to half the smoker, and also less than the incidence rate of strokes. During the 10 years: it will decrease the death rate due to cancer to rate enjoyed by a person who never smoked before as a result of altered cancer cells and other cells in the body pure. During the 15 years: the injury will diminish the chances of coronary artery disease and heart attack to reach the average person rate. Long-term: the person is a smoker live an average of 14 years longer than the smoker.

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