الأربعاء، 2 ديسمبر 2015

15 The most important piece of advice to get you on the belly tight

The abdominal area of ​​more areas in the body that must concern themselves with in order to maintain your look as if you want to wear a smaller clothes size and distance from the rumen for men so've written before about the most important steps that must be followed in order to play allocating the abdominal area.
This article Educate yourself on the site alerts you to some of the tips that encourages you to complement all of these steps:

1. breathe deeply: we are exposed all day to worry and pressure of daily life and the problem is that the process increase the proportion of cholesterol in the blood which makes the body secretes certain hormones to combat it, which cause the formation of fat in the abdominal area. So there are some useful breathing exercises to this matter as it helps to mitigate a sense of your body tension and anxiety that is better exercised it will not cost you a lot
2. deep sense of hunger: We must stop notice your body very hungry "is not a fast course," This will encourage your body to take action against you to store more fat to provide the energy required for these cases
3. Keep the Heart: metabolism in muscle faster than fat moving in the sense that whenever moved more whenever they are metabolically more active were burning more calories so it is necessary to exercise the sport three times a week, or at least get used to walking exercises
4. reduce the grain: have found a medical study that those who in their diet depending on a balanced healthy diet is more than just eating the grain of losing weight faster, especially in the middle of the abdominal area.
5. Green tea: Green tea contains lots and lots of interest and a lot of antioxidants also helps to burn body fat, particularly abdominal fat area
6. sleep enough: A study published in 2012 showed that lack of sleep makes fat, especially just under the skin, which is more resistant to burning energy, which earns extra weight
7. dealing with the propagation of spices: We talked a lot about the benefits of spices of ginger, mint, cinnamon as we talked about the herbal tea so you should Tkthrey of dealing with these natural recipes where it helps to burn fat in the body
8. reducing sugars: sugar is the one who shall increase the calories within the body and that that man was not exploited will turn to fat to accumulate in the abdomen and thighs as it whenever dealt with more than sugar slowed metabolism more than it helps the accumulation of fat also so as far as possible should be stay away from sugar, candy and a lot of natural fruit They are the best
9. health system: should your food contains a lot of natural fiber, fruits and vegetables also must contain protein as it reduces the sense of hunger and if you eat at the dinner reduce your need for water at night
10. Reading: It's good reading magazines and articles on the studies on nutrition and health system and slimming food where you can develop your performance in your life and get a variety of food systems that can serve you in the burning of fat in your body
11. maintain potassium ratio: your body will Btakzin water if what I said, the proportion of sodium or potassium in the body so I have to keep up on potassium ratio on the rates permitted by eating foods that contain as in potatoes, spinach, dates
12. stomach balance: the stomach contains some beneficial bacteria that aid in digestion process but that went out the bacteria from the natural balance has caused the Bulge also slows the metabolism so it is preferable to dealing with yogurt curd and milk from time to time in order to help to save the balance of the stomach bacteria

13. Avoid fried food: fried foods contain a lot of saturated fat is difficult to digest and which accumulate in the body faster than excess calories and is located largely in the instant foods, which are accustomed to be addressed outside of the home so it must reduce and replace it with some fruit and vegetables
14. mono unsaturated fat: This type of healthy fat keeps the balance of acids in the body and found in olives, nuts, avocados and fish also contain a variety of antioxidants to the body and useful imagine it helps to burn fat, especially in the abdominal area
15. Beware of carbohydrates: Carbohydrates need a lot of fluids in order to be digested, which gives you a sense of bloated, but this does not mean to stop taking them, but must be approached with a lot of fruit and vegetables and fiber in order to keep their balance
Now, do you see that these tips that will serve you in your weight loss and getting a tight belly ??

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