الأربعاء، 2 ديسمبر 2015

A recent study that gluten free increase the energy levels of the foods or for more activity in your life give up the foods that contain gluten

It was a gluten-free foods from the basic food for many of the celebrities, so new search showed that gluten free foods help to increase the focus and thinking well in all things your life more effectively. Here's a celebrity who relied on diet Examples of gluten-free and proven to be effective with them Gwyneth Paltrow, Miley Cyrus, and tennis star Novak Djokovic. He argued that the diet gluten free helped them in increasing energy levels and improve their lifestyle and thus improve the physical and mental health.

And now researchers reached on 11/30/2015 at the Institute of Nutrition and watered Health, University of Aberdeen, to study suggests that relying on diet free of gluten, reduce fatigue and increase energy levels in the body. It also helps the feeling bloated and gases that provide the body with healthy food share.

Advised to study the restructuring of your diet to get rid of gluten and replace it with a higher content of fiber and reduce the consumption of salt, all of this helps to reduce blood cholesterol.
This study is the largest of its kind in the United States about the health benefits of foods free of gluten. And has equally between the University of Aberdeen and the government to prove the benefits of gluten free foods.
Where they asked 95 persons, of whom 64 women and 31 men relied on gluten-free system for three weeks and then returned to normal their system the same period to compare results. The average age of the study participants was 38 years. Body mass index of about 24.8 found to reduce stomach cramps and levels of fatigue and stress rate.
It also found evidence that gluten sensitivity does not exist only when individuals those who suffer from digestive disorders but others may also suffer from the negative reaction at increasing the proportion of gluten in the diet and the incidence of damage to the intestines.
As for those individuals who have gastrointestinal disturbances and eat foods that contain gluten can lead to a range of symptoms including diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea. It affects every single individual out of 100 people.
Also, this study relied on participants vitamin D B12 and folic acid for a healthy body useful to get a good amount of vitamins.
Although gluten sensitivity lead to damage to the intestine at a lower level. It reminds Dr. Alexandra Johnston of the Institute watered for nutrition and health "It was interesting for us to discover that when you follow gluten-free system helps to get rid of the fatigue and fatigue and increase energy levels when the study participants levels by eating free foods gluten period."
And adds to it, "they were more able to carry out various tasks faster and increase the focus and think by eating gluten free foods period and felt comfortable to get rid of gluten sensitivity in individuals who suffer from digestive disorders.
Interestingly, also we did not see any increase in the weight of the participants in the study because they found an improvement in eating healthy diets that helped them to lose weight by increasing fiber intake, consumption of vegetables, reducing salt intake. "
Bruce Lucinda specialist watered Institute of Nutrition and Health recalls that "This study will open a new point of scientific research to help us better understand the subject of diet gluten free and its effects on health."
And now you Ttsol What is gluten and what is gluten free foods? Here are the answers to these questions:
What is the diet gluten-free?
When you follow gluten-free diet means follow the diet exclude protein gluten, which may be found in various foods. And it is following this diet in the first place to get rid of digestive disorders disease because gluten causes inflammation of the small intestine of people with celiac disease, thus helping to control the non-occurrence of any damage and complications for the digestive system.
In the beginning when you follow a diet free of gluten it may be frustrating, but with patience and time will get more health benefits for the body because you will get a free alternatives to gluten foods from these alternatives you can enjoy taking it well.
Free diet gluten details:
Really switch to a diet free of gluten significant change happens and like anything more time needs to return it to you in the beginning you will feel deprived of many things because of the restrictions on the diet. But it is useful for your health. Fortunately, there are many products have become not add gluten to it you can read the ingredients Qubll readers buy rice and pasta. Grocery stores now allow for a gluten free foods.
If you thought to follow the gluten-free diet should consult a dietitian who can be your questions and advise you on how to avoid foods rich in Paljlutin eating and maintaining a healthy diet.
Foods allowed:
 Natural legumes, nuts and seeds different.
 Fresh eggs.
 Fresh meat, fish and poultry.
Fresh fruits and vegetables.
Most dairy products such as eggs, whole milk, evaporated milk, condensed milk, fresh cream.
Snacks such as biscuits and cakes.
Beverages such as tea, coffee, mineral water, cocoa.
There are also plenty of grains and starches that can be part of a diet free of gluten, such as:
 Corn flour.
 Gluten-free flour.
rice .
Lentil flour.
Soy flour.
rice bran .

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