الثلاثاء، 8 مارس 2016

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular health alternative treatments commonly used today.

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular health alternative treatments commonly used today. It has been used since ancient times as a treatment for many different diseases. Hippocrates said he uses as an antibiotic. Apple cider vinegar is the result of fermentation, where the sugar turns which in apples by yeasts and bacteria to alcohol in the first stage and then in the end turns to vinegar.


-ihtoy Apple cider vinegar on: contain many vitamins and beta-carotene, minerals and vital pectin such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, fluorine, sulfur and iron.

We show you the most important aesthetic and health benefits of apple vinegar:

1 - weight loss depends on the idea of ​​losing weight melt the grease from the human body by taking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and blended place a glass of water and drink the mixture after each meal

2 - reduce the effects of sunburn that you dip a cloth or cotton in apple cider vinegar and put it on the places that shows where raised sunburn.

3. treat hair crust apple cider vinegar works to destroy the fungus Malassezia and restore the balance of PH in the scalp. Place the amount of apple cider vinegar diluted with water and then put it on the scalp and leave for an hour or two before the wash and rinse. And you can put apple vinegar without diluted .

4 - to treat arthritis blends a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar place a glass of water and drink the mixture after each meal for a month.

5 - varicose veins stretching leg massaged a little apple cider vinegar and place it twice a day, morning and night for a month, you will notice a gradual atrophy of the affected veins. It also advises taking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in place a glass of water a day for a month during the massage veins.

6 - to combat germs and bacteria it is known that bacteria present inside the human body living on the water needed by the body's cells absorb, but the presence of potash substance found in apple cider vinegar do not let germs absorb water from the human body cells, but also make the cells absorb water from these germs then die germs. This is advisable to provide the human body cells textured potash in vinegar, then mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar a glass of water and drink it once a day.

7 - for the treatment of blood pressure and cholesterol, take a teaspoon of cider vinegar in a cup of water a day helps to reduce blood pressure and is useful in the treatment of bad cholesterol.

8 - sore throat mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar center Cup of water in the form of a gargle for 5 seconds every hour, and are advised to swallow the output of the process gurgling full, and when the improved process is repeated notes every two hours for two days only.

9 - Anti-Insomnia mix three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar center with a cup of honey and taken from the mix in the form of doses by teaspoon at bedtime and wake up, and if insomnia continues the process repeats every half hour to take a teaspoon of the mix.

10 - Insect bites knead the exposed parts of the body mouthwash composite of three-quarters of apple cider vinegar and a quarter of the sum thymus boiled and placed on the place of the sting quite as quickly moistened with apple cider vinegar and season with vinegar several times so as not to lose its effect evaporation.

11. to treat and disinfect the urinary tract: Dr (o. Jarvis) in the benefits of vinegar listed medical apples says if the collection of human nocturnal urine after a drink with each meal a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water finds that the urine in the morning the next day free of each sand deposition indicating the occurrence Kamiaia change in the urine.

12. Kdhan used to strengthen nails and beauty

And the way that 3 teaspoons of olive oil. 3 teaspoons apple cider vinegar. One egg yolk. Preparation and Use: Mix the ingredients well, and kept in a bottle. This product is used frequently in nail paint .. and can be used in that piece of cotton to paint the nails and surrounding tissue

13. used to whiten your hands:

And the way that 8 tbsp rose water. 3 tablespoons glycerin. 3 tablespoons pure alcohol .. 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice. 1 large tablespoon orange juice. 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar. Preparation and Use: Mix ingredients well .. and then packaged in a bottle with the men several times. Washing hands with soap and water works on the demise of the article natural acidity, which protects the skin .. Using this preparation it works to maintain this natural acid. It is used daily after washing your hands .. and has a good effect in skin whitening hands and smoothness.

14 - to get rid of facial grains (acne): add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water .. and Dip a cotton swab into the mix and wipe out pills several times a day.

15. used in dishes used apple cider vinegar in the various authorities and is also used in seasoning meat and chicken.

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