الثلاثاء، 8 مارس 2016

10 drugs without prescriptions handled yourself from sputum

Sputum is often associated with colds and upper respiratory infections, while it does not represent a serious health problem, but that if it is not treated in a timely manner can be blocked and the people irritates the airways, which in turn cause upper respiratory tract infection

Symptoms of the presence of sputum injury continuous cough, runny nose, difficulty breathing, feeling weak, and in some cases can be a fever. Phlegm tends to cause congestion in the chest and throat are usually expelled through coughing.

Sputum contain bacteria, viruses or inflammatory cells that cause infection as well as infections such as colds, flu, bronchitis, and can be caused by phlegm allergic reaction to irritants such as asthma, hay fever, excessive smoking. There are many natural home remedies that work quickly to get rid of phlegm and without causing any side effects.


Here are the top 10 recipes enables you to treat phlegm

1. Steam:
Steam inhalation is the best and simplest way to get rid of phlegm, as the inhalation of steam in the nasal passages helps keep the phlegm in the form of a more liquid so it is easy expelled out of the body.
Steam shower twice a day, and stay locked in the bathroom for 10 minutes to help relieve mucus. Being careful to moisturize Aljsmk after that, because the warm water makes your skin lose their essential oils and moisture.
Instead, pour boiling hot water in a large pot, and put a towel over the head and inhale the steam for five to 10 minutes, this will help to ease the secretions of the lungs. And you can use this simple treatment several times a day.

2. saltwater:
Gargle with warm salt water is another easy way to treat sputum, where the warm water soothes the throat, and the salt helps to destroy bacteria that can cause infection and thus reduce the production of phlegm.
Mixing a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, and gargle with this solution, repeat this treatment several times a day.

3. Lemon juice:
Lemon is a wonderful element to ease mucus and phlegm. In addition, the properties of antibacterial and contains a high proportion of vitamin C, which improves the body's resistance to infection.
Add two tablespoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey to a cup of hot water. Drink at least three times a day to soothe the throat and reduce the production of phlegm.
Another simple option is to cut a slice of lemon and sprayed her a little salt and pepper and then absorb the lemon slice, helping to force the expulsion of phlegm from the throat, do it two or three times a day.

4. Ginger:
Ginger is a natural deodorant for the congestion and is used to fight throat irritation and respiratory infections. Also, anti-viral properties and antimicrobial in ginger loosen phlegm found in the throat and chest to help breathe easier.
Add one teaspoon of fresh ginger slices to one cup of boiling water, leave for a few minutes and then do by adding two tablespoons of honey, drink this tea pacifier several times throughout the day.
Instead, chew raw ginger slices several times a day, and add the ginger into the food during cooking.

5. Turmeric:
Turmeric has strong antiseptic properties help in getting rid of phlegm by killing the bacteria that cause the production of excess mucus. Also, turmeric helps to strengthen the immune system.
Add a teaspoon of turmeric to a cup of hot milk, drink it once in the morning and again before going to bed.
Swallow half a teaspoon of turmeric with a glass of water twice or three times a day
Add a tablespoon of turmeric and a pinch of salt to a cup of hot water, and use it to gargle several times a day.

6. Chicken Soup:
Warm chicken soup also helps in the treatment of phlegm, as the hot chicken soup helps to hydrate the airways and ease the consistency of phlegm, which helps to soothe the throat and encourage relaxation.
Eat some chicken soup at least twice or three times a day to expel phlegm from the throat. To increase benefits, add ginger and garlic to the soup.

7. Chilli:
Chilli helps to expel mucus that accumulates in the nasal passages and throat, as it helps to reduce chest pain and is working to shave balm.
Mixing the following ingredients: a teaspoon of both chilli and grated fresh ginger, and one teaspoon of both honey and vinegar apples, and two tablespoons of water.
Drink this mixture twice or three times a day to help reduce the production of phlegm.
Note: You can add cayenne pepper to the food during cooking.

8. Honey:
Honey has anti-viral properties and antibacterial and anti-fungal that helps to get rid of throat irritation and the removal of phlegm. In addition, honey has antiseptic properties help to strengthen the immune system to fight the infection faster.
Add a pinch of white pepper powder or black to one tablespoon of honey, as the pepper helps in the treatment of throat infection, while the honey helps to soothe mucous membranes. This mixture is taken twice a day for a week.
Add one teaspoon of honey to a cup of warm water, and drink it several times a day

9. onions:
Onions have anti-bacterial properties, and anti-inflammatory that helps to relax and get rid of phlegm. Also, the onion helps to strengthen the immune system and accelerate the healing process. You can make a mixture of onion and sugar to increase the liquidity of phlegm making it easier to expel him.
Wash and cut the onion and add two tablespoons of sugar and leave it for half an hour, and the mixture will turn into a liquid texture.
One tablespoon of this mixture eating every two to three hours or when needed.
You can store the extra mixture in the refrigerator for a day or two.

10. Islands:
Carrot is very effective in the treatment of sputum is an excellent source of vitamin C, anti-oxidants and strong that enhance the immune system and is working to resist many types of infections. In addition, a rich islands, many of the nutrients and vitamins that help reduce the symptoms of cough and phlegm as well.
Extract the juice from four to five fresh carrots, and add a little water to dilute the juice, then add 2-3 teaspoons of honey and mix well, drink this juice throughout the day to expel phlegm from the throat.

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