الخميس، 25 فبراير 2016

Important Information About Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins are essential for the body and it is also called sunshine vitamin that the UV necessary to configure the sun under the skin in the case of vitamin D3 for it is the light of the sun is the main source for the generation of this vitamin in the body Rights, but there is a natural food sources include liver oil, fish - fish, especially salmon and mackerel - the liver - eggs - butter - margarine and also there are subsidized in vitamin D, such as milk, food and dairy products - some types of orange juice and some breakfast cereals as well as dietary supplements and drugs. Several studies suggest that vitamin D deficiency is now more prevalent due to lack of exposure to the sun and live in indoor use insulators rays so that reduces the formation of vitamin D the skin. One reason for the lack of vitamin D is insufficient exposure to sunlight or lack of food and dietary supplements intake or due to the presence of diseases of the digestive system, which limits the absorption of vitamin D from the intestine or the existence of a state of hepatic failure or kidney failure, which affects the activation of vitamin D in the body in addition to eating some medications such as epilepsy drugs. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency -alalam Body, bone and muscle - cramps and muscle weakness - feeling tired as well as mood changes, depression and lack of poise to walk in addition to sleep disorders. The vitamin D formed under the skin effect of the sun's rays will not cause physiological functions effectively unless it was converted chemically to the active and effective image as vitamin consists D is active under the skin and is known chemically in the name of "Cholecalciferol" which dissolves in fat cells and up for the blood to move first to the liver there transforms into 25-hydroxycholecalciferol and travels through the blood to reach second to the kidneys to become active for the image which is the active vitamin D and a -hydroxycholecalciferol25 where he works on the walls of the gut urged to increase the rate of absorption of calcium. There are many factors affecting the rate of vitamin D, including: - - Gender Women generally have lower levels of vitamin D than men, especially after menopause and PMS. - Skin color as an increase in the proportion of melanin, the skin is an obstacle to formation of vitamin D Fallon brown skin reduces the ability of the skin layers to absorb waves of sunlight so those with black skin need sun exposure 10-fold to form the same amount of vitamin D, which aspired to be skinned white. - Age where age leads to a lack of progress constituent material of vitamin D from the skin. People over the age of 75 are a quarter of the amount of vitamin D - A geographical location where the minimum percentage of UV radiation the greater the distance from the line Alastewae.ovouk line 37 x-rays are useful over the almost non-existent and the best people are exposed to radiation at the equator. -alsmonh And overweight, including that vitamin D is stored in fat cells and thus the greater the quantity of these cells when weight gain at least vitamin D rate in the blood because it stores in the fat, so to persons Alibdinyin stand longer in the sun to get a sufficient dose of sunlight. Other factors affecting the lack of vitamin D are: smoking, winter, and the presence of kidney disease and liver in addition to the use of certain medications. Recently increased interest in the benefits of vitamin D on the basis of its vital role in the diets and health system in general and Taliaohm functions of vitamin D: - - Vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus absorption, as well as working to maintain the level of calcium in the blood in the normal rate being can stimulate the intestines to absorb more calcium from the food we eat. If not we take enough calcium is vitamin D pull calcium from the bones. And also it works directly on the increased deposition of calcium and phosphate in the bones. - Is very important for children during the growth period of the fact that vitamin D deficiency causes rickets for children as well as short stature and the curvature of the legs and deformation of the skull, as well as many of the studies suggest that children take an additional dose of vitamin D dramatically reduce their risk of developing diabetes type I in adulthood by 80% compared to children who ate the least amount of vitamin D. - Vitamin D is very important for the elderly, where deficiency causes osteomalacia and rickets adults as well as the cause of osteoporosis in adults and problems in the teeth, skin and hair. - Several studies suggest that taking large doses of vitamin D contributes to reducing the risk of cancer, especially breast, colon, pancreas, prostate, ovary, uterus and gall bladder cancer. And by preventing new blood vessels that allow cancer to spread growth and also regulates vitamin D cell growth and helps resist irregular cells in order not to multiply and lead to cancer and even after cancer can of vitamin D that is made in the body during the summer than in the winter to fight disease, where studies suggest that the seriousness of the death rate is more in cancer patients who undergo operations during the winter of patients who undergo operations during the summer season when they have a high rate of vitamin D from the sun as well as the cure rate of cancer is higher in diagnosed cases during the the summer as well as patients who take doses of vitamin D and are being treated with chemotherapy for cancer suffer less than the side effects associated with chemotherapy, especially the injury to clotting. - Researchers have found that people who are deficient in vitamin D at risk of premature death compared to those who have their blood contains the largest of vitamin D amounts, as well as vitamin D may prolong kidney patients, so always needs washing patients with renal supportive doses of vitamin D to help them live longer. - Vitamin D helps in the treatment of Depression Studies show that people who have low levels of vitamin D are more likely than others to become depressed. - Vitamin D reduces the incidence of cardiovascular and hypertension diseases. - Vitamin D helps to strengthen the immune system of internal body organ as it contributed in the organization of more than two thousand (2000) gene which include genes that play a role in strengthening and regulating the immune system, which contributes up to a great resistance to bacteria and viruses. - Many research indicated that vitamin D intake during pregnancy have a positive effect on the birth and the protection effects born of the symptoms of chest fumble. - Vitamin D helps protect against many diseases, particularly disease MultipleSclerosis a disease of the nerves and blood vessels, as well as rheumatic arthritis, as well as gum disease. - Vitamin D helps in weight regulation, where many of the studies suggest that people who suffer from a lack of vitamin D have their weight and percentage of fat in their bodies more than the proportion of people who are vitamin D so that they have a high proportion of their weight and fat have less The best time of exposure to the sun is when the rays close to vertical or vertical ie in the period between 10:00 to 14:00 and commensurate amount of vitamin D to be under proportional skin with duration of exposure to the sun and the area of ​​skin exposed and enough exposing 40% of the body to direct sunlight for two ranging from 15-20 minutes three times a week, and the best proof that you are exposed to the sun for long enough is that the notes Turda or redder mild to the skin and there are two types of infrared produced by the sun, which are UVA and UVB while characterized by the first rays of the damage is characterized by a second type of radiation being contribute to formation Vitamin D in the skin Unfortunately, this type is what caused creams, sun protection to prevent it so you should not exaggerate the use of sunscreens is worth mentioning that he could not get poisoned from vitamin exposure to sunlight because the body when it takes the adequacy stop the process of transformation within the body but the seriousness of the burns from the sun remains.

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